Sitemap - 2022 - Liberty Rising

UK Doctors Call for Government Investigation of mRNA Injections

Killjabs controversy – the storm intensifies amid establishment coverup

Brave doctors set an outstanding example of courage and dedication

When stating the obvious becomes a crime – UK Consultant surgeon defies censors to raise the alarm over serious health threat

You’re Not Going To Like This

The medical-corporate killing spree and the establishment’s conspiracy of silence

Power blackouts to follow disabling of rational thought?

“Green” for Self Destruct?

Nothing “green” about the green agenda

It is not just the economy that is being wrecked by the “NetZero” fifth columnists

Citizens lives sacrificed to conspiracy of silence as the biggest medical scandal in history unfolds

The hijack of medicine and the destruction of healthcare

It’s everybody’s fault except the clowns in charge

Killed by the vaxadiddle? Evidence mountain grows

Climate Cock-up: accident or design?

Climate Fibbing! The BBC is at it again!

The Climate Hustle: the anatomy of the multi-billion dollar psyop

Government by idiots: China sets a fine example of how to get it completely wrong

Breaking the Chains of psychological warfare

Rishi Sunak’s incoherent energy policy will poison Britain’s future

How medicine was hijacked – a must-watch briefing

Money, Corruption, Manipulation and Betrayal

Evidence mounts for a government-engineered health catastrophe

Leading Vaxadoodle expert begs parents: don’t let them inject your kids!

Apologise, reinstate and compensate sacked care workers

Climate alarmists hit by storm of reality as Atlantic hurricane season below average


We gotta ask: exactly how many people did the alleged SARS COV 2 virus actually kill?

The year of devastating drought

The Energy Pipedream Nightmare – brought to you by the crooked, the corrupt and the stupid

The paradigm is broken – the end of days for the globalist cabal?

Climate hysteria is killing us – time for proper scientists in white hats to save the day

PANDA (Pandemic and Data Analytics): what we now know

Government and BBC Disinformation Machine in Collusion

A reckoning is coming. . . .

Is your government trying to kill you?

Government’s stooges still targeting kids

Fighting Oppression: the Freedom Alliance

Geologist explains why Climate Change hysteria isn’t supported by proper science

How we’ve been had! What’s up with the PCR Test?

When the fact checking scam costs lives: the case of Vitamin D

They’re at it again! Propaganda re-runs from the Covadoodle psyop masterminds

GMC under mounting pressure to get honest and straight

Siding with the enemy: the GMC in disgrace. War on humanity update.

Died Suddenly – welcome to World War Three

When perversion masquerades as “science”

The Yes-Men – movie review

Man the Solver

Government and Survival

Cash And The Collapse

The DaVinci Covid

Skullduggery, trickery propaganda and deceit

You've gotta be kidding me . . . .

The psychopaths are at it again!

The power of disbelief

There’s a war on for your planet

Inject the kids! Targeting children part of the strategy to kill off a few million surplus plebs?

Are pants on fire causing global warming?

Dear government, please leave Cloud Cuckoo Land by the nearest available exit

When the world needs some heads on pikes

Mapping the malfeasance of malicious mass-murdering muppet Midazolam Matt

The media’s climate hysteria smokescreen – what’s hidden on the other side of it?

Good News! Hurricanes are not getting worse

Someone switched off the government’s brain. Any chance we can switch it on again?

A message from Dr Mohammad Iqbal Adil

Here’s a wild idea: let’s just stop the stupidity

Who must be held to account for terrorising the people?

A survival guide for the vvv injured

Are You Essential?

According to this geopolitical briefing there’s real hope

And now for something completely rational . . .

Between Defining Shores

Fightback update: International Scientific Conference Westminster London on 15/10/2022 A BRIEFING FROM DR MOHAMMAD ADIL

Puppet show update: enter the almost lifelike Rishi Rich

Saline, anyone? Are they getting the real thing or a placebo?

The Freedom Alliance – the way forward

Miracle Drug Solves Everything

Re-setting the Re-set: huge and growing liberation movement needs coherent strategy

Malfeasance and Malice Aforethought: when Murder masquerades as Medicine

The attack on humanity: medical malfeasance as a deadly weapon

Taking liberties: globalist stooges, the coup and the war on humanity

When the building with no exits is on fire, what kind of idiot ignores the fire alarm?

Keep calm and don’t let the covert bastards get you down

When the truth gets too hot to handle, unleash the censors!

Is this interview a Bad Thing? Watch it and decide for yourself

Shocker! Everything you wanted to know about the Covadoodle Psyop but were afraid to ask

How the Empire strikes back: YET ANOTHER engineered crisis keeps the global parasites in power

NATO pushing for escalation? We are being played (again) people, we are being played . . .

Great Propaganda tricks of today: the “atrocity story” ploy


Khazarian Mafia floundering as the tide of war turns

Mass Poisoning Event: killer lies – another whopper heaves into view. When will the arrests start?

Be inspired! Enjoy this half-hour dose of pure common sense

The First Rule of Government: stop mucking People about

While we’re distracted by the climate hoax . . .

When nations are guided by crooks, con men and lunatics . . .


The “safe and effective” lie. How lying scum killed and injured thousands

Punching society in the head

Net-Zero Energy Generation – its a trap!

Leading doctor guilty of endangering medical oppression

Psychiatry’s “chemical imbalance” cash cow just dropped dead. Expect the birth of a new cash cow any moment now

Electric cars: not-so-green red herring

Stupid or Subversive? Governments create energy crisis, impoverish their own people

Disinformed consent: not only not safe but not effective either

Mass Poisoning Event update: 20 million dead and over 2 billion injured worldwide say experts as jaberwonky toll climbs

Bad news or catastrophe? Nobody knows yet

So what’s up with climate policy? Well quite a lot, actually

Look out! Climate Fibbing crisis!

Failure by design – the strategy designed to leave us fatally starved of energy

Creating a free and prosperous civilisation. We can do it!

So what’s SEVENTY times more deadly than all other vaxadoodles combined over the past 20 years?

The non-meek shall inherit the Earth

State of Malice: stunning video lays bare mass murder by the State

Introducing Net Zero Watch, the antidote to climate hysteria

Unsafe, ineffective and downright lethal . . .

Greenpeace Cofounder speaks out against climate pseudo science

The “97% of Scientists agree” with climate alarm thing turns out to have been a giant fib

Mass Killing with Intent and the killjab WMDs : the war on humanity looks set to claim thousands

How to salvage the energy shipwreck

A race of technological wizards let down by organisational dullards

Climate emergency psyop not based on science says climate guru

Can of worms sprung open, beans spilled as Gates exposed as primary funder of UK Healthcare Regulator

Fright has its uses

Great Propaganda Tricks of Today: changing the Meaning of Words

War on humanity, news from the Front: Vaxadoodlebugs are killing more people than they save. Far more.

Independent Pharmacovigilance Report Confirms Evidence for Recall of Covid-19 Vaccines

Clean air never killed anyone. When will corporate journalists start to tell the truth?

If we can face it, we can fix it

The future’s so bright I gotta wear shades

The BBC’s at it again! This time it’s windmill fibs

Power for the People

Government-created energy debacle will lead to deaths

“Boil Back Better!” says Boris

On thin ice: the architects of mass deception

Man, the solver. Wave hello to the future!

Mass Poisoning Event; more insights into how the desperate cover-up is done

Great Propaganda Tricks of Today: mantras with flexible meanings

Winning the Race to the Bottom

Turn up the dial on your spin radar: someone is lying to you

Alarm bells should be going off as excess mortality stats soar but governments pretending it isn’t happening

Up Renewables Creek without a paddle in a canoe with ruddy great holes in it. We need a better Plan

Rockefeller Foundation funds massive Covadoodle psyop

Doing a Galileo: proper scientists find the courage to speak heresy

The “Energy Crisis”: not so much a crisis as an act of war

The energy debacle – an appalling tale of ineptitude and corruption

Thick . . .

Great propaganda tricks of today: fear, shame and scapegoating . . . .

Create Want: the parasites at work on the food supply rake in the Spondoolicks

Keep Calm and Grow your New Civilisation

Dear globalist stooge, please get honest and come clean

Deceived to Death: medical professional explains how we were lied to with malice aforethought

Organising for a kinder, wiser tomorrow: The World Council for Health

Health debacle – an overview of the evidence. It is not yet too late to steer a more pro-survival course

Turtles All The Way Down: The Defender recommends thought-provoking exposé of the Jaberwonky scam

Floundering “Climate Emergency” dogma challenged by proper scientists

Thorium energy – the missed opportunity. But it’s not too late, nor a moment too soon

Just when you thought the wrecking crew known as “the government” couldn’t sink us any lower. . .


Fightback News, halftime score: Mass-Murdering Scum 0 Freedom Movement 1

Fightback Music – The Inca Infantry

Defend kids against the Jaberwonky – open letter to UK gov from 76 very concerned doctors

Great Propaganda Tricks of Today: MSM Climate Gaslighting

Jaberwonky injury and death worldwide – the toll rises remorselessly

Magna Carta 2.0 and Community Assemblies – the way forward

How high does the toll of death and injury have to rise before Justice wakes from her coma and criminal investigations are launched?

Climate Change? Don’t Panic! The Merchants of Dismay are at it again but Reason shall prevail

The Tavistock’s gender butchery clinic in the context of its broader psychological warfare operations

War on humanity update: major cock-ups by the so-called “Elite” hasten its demise

The climate psyop – the “record breaking temperatures” gambit

The oft-repeated fib of fact checkers that they are “independent” wouldn’t survive a fact check by truly independent fact checkers

Real journalist reports what is actually going on – and it ain’t pretty

Senseless violence linked to Big Pharma drugs touted as a remedy for non-existent “chemical imbalances in the brain”

Oh what a fashionable War!

Conservative Woman slams government negligence over jab dangers that have placed millions at risk

A ray of hope for the millions injected with the covadoodle toxin

Quackery and Fakery, civilisation laid low by the charlatan virus

The trouble with government .. . and how to resolve it

Caution! Parasites at work

WW3 Update: a must-watch documentary series

End of the Pharmaceutical Dark Age near as the light of truth falls upon the “Chemical Imbalance” con

Awakened Pages update: connect up with the Future

Hope for the vvv-injured! FLCC issues treatment protocols that may save lives

Unearthed document reveals Medieval alarm over “Ye Horrific Warming of ye Planet”

For The People, by The People, Through The People: Community Assemblies – the Way forward

Fightback News: Stop World Control presents cutting-edge resources for Freedom Fighters!

“Biggest crime ever committed on humanity”: European MP speaks for The People

Environment: not as scary as they’ve made out

And now for something completely different: REAL climate Science!

How organic food can feed the world, why it must and when it does, everybody wins

Brushing tyranny aside: he who can focus, wins

Genocide update – the Monkeycoverup Outbreak

Climate Change – some Fascinating Factoids

The Covadoodle Killings. Brits murdered while Justice sleeps

Of 29 Pregnant Women That Had Received Pfizer’s COVID-19 Inoculation, Only One Had a Baby That Lived

Oh, what a lovely mess! “Climate Change” gaslighting, more about

Watch out! There are psychos in your government and they’re trying to kill you!

Broken News . . .

The frightened planet: someone is gaslighting the human race

A Giant Leap for Mankind: the Invention of Soap

Who’s healthier by far? The j4bbed or the unj4bbed?

Government to connect with reality by 2030

Has the political/pharmaceutical con-plex sold us a bill of goods? And will the truth set us free?

The future’s bright, the future’s Thorium

The biggest humanitarian atrocity in history?

Rise of the Lifebringers of Earth. Surveys show that women are overwhelmingly kind, decent and sane

Today's FF

Choose your Sociopath

Athlete's Foot may cause strokes/heart attacks say top secret scientists

Breaking News

The People’s Manifesto: bringing down the miserable Empire of Liars

Rise like Lions! Why so much effort is invested in keeping everyone thoroughly propagandized

Fear stalks corridors of power as comeuppance looms

The Big Secret – Medical Mass Poisoning (a Documentary)

Mass Poisoning Update: the guilty are now hiding the humanitarian catastrophe they have created

The globalist puppet show degenerates into deadly shambles – so lets unite and do something about it!

We’ve been sabotaged by globalist maniacs: so what do we do about it?

Feckless sociopath refuses to vacate Downing Street as globalist puppet government caves in

A recipe for disaster – the corrupt regulators

Mass Poisoning Event update – The Conservative Woman warns of unfolding public disaster

Happening now: the Second Agricultural Revolution

Bad Medicine: Mass Poisoning Event update – FDA votes to target children

The straight dope from probably the most qualified expert on the freakin’ planet

Hero of the Evolution Vladimir Zelenko

The swine are fiddling the stats – yet again!

Acts of War: the CVVV psyop and VVV WMDs

Propaganda, censorship, lying and other Weapons of Mass Deception

Weapons of Mass Deception and the ailing psychological war against the People

From the Citizens Commission on Human Rights: a wonderful, liberating resource that arms you with knowledge

On Human Rights . . .

Shock Horror News: how the mind games are played

In a nutshell, the annoying tale of Hydroxychloroquine

In place of science: the most extreme case of data manipulation and bad science ever presented to the FDA

Horrific: fraudulent “tests” unleash booby-trapped toxin on kids

Another crude package of lies and deceit slithers into view as WHO prepares monkeypox psyop to cover up the damage done by the previous psyop

Carnage in the name of care. Are the vvvv’s making us ill?

Why the pharmaceutical/industrial con-plex is a blight on public health

Midazolam Murders update – short must-watch video"

Enemies of the nation and the politics of chaos – when wrecking a country comes disguised as “health care”

Mass Poisoning Event cover-up: using skewed stats to hide the truth

The Vaxadoodles ain’t the only thing the bastards have booby-trapped

Give your understanding a shot in the arm – try this booster!

Death and Disability and the booby-trapped pseudo vacksadoodles

A government with the blood of its own citizens on its hands?

Grand Jury: Day 8 – Closing Arguments Reiner Fuellmich & Jury Voting

More good news for the unjabbed! 300 000 strong control group’s shock findings

How was it done, by whom and why? The psyop explained

There is a war on for your planet and the white hats are winning it

From SIDS to SADS: how the pharmaceutical-industrial con-plex fiddles the stats to hide its killings

The People versus Globalist Psychopaths – Summary

The mass poisoning event – how people were harmed and what can be done about it

A lie for all seasons: and now, The Climate Change Red Herring – the usual globalist suspects are at it again

Great Propaganda Tricks of Today: the “news agency” ploy

“Trust me, I’m an expert” – the degenerate “doctors” who will tell you what they are paid to tell you

Here’s a wild idea: let’s stop poisoning our kids!

The globalist attack on humanity and the role of the War on Health Organisation

A look back in anger- how we were played by the psyop masterminds

Humanity under attack. How was it done and by whom?

Gene-edited food and the engineered “food crisis”: same script, same ruling crime syndicate . . . here we go again

Comeuppance looms for governments with the blood of millions on their hands

Over 2,000 High Profile Spanish Paid for Fake Vaccine Certificates Including Pharma Head

Power bills and yet another fleecing of the flock

Great propaganda tricks of today: editing the info on NHS websites to make it more scary

Bioterrorism: the attack on humanity in a nutshell

Gene-edited food: corrupt government is at it again

Fightback inspires new ideas as Globalist utopian tinkering spawns mismanaged mess

G Capo presents: Let the Children Breathe

Humanity’s superpower: the ability to Reason. Let’s use it!

Beware the “everybody knows” that nobody is allowed to question

When will “Sound of Freedom” be released? Who’s stopping it?

The Mass Poisoning Event explained: how millions were harmed and how they can heal

Psychiatry loses weapon of mental destruction in major win against the enemies of humanity

Hero of the Evolution: Dr Tom Cowan

Hot on the heels of Mass Poisoning Event 1, the government instigates Mass Poisoning Event 2

War on Humanity update: a dodgy treaty and treasonous politicians comprise the globalists’ latest wheeze

Fill the GAPS in your knowledge and be well!

Renaissance update: let’s grow!

A tad too scientific for comfort? Send in the Inquisition!

Eurovision "win" doesn't cheer up Ukraine, or demoralise Russia shock

Great scummy propaganda tricks of today: smears disguised as “reporting”

The New Renaissance: the future is holistic farming

Big Pharma, the primary weapons-maker of the biochemical war on Man – who owns it?

True believers . . .

Mass Poisoning Event kills two thousand times as many Europeans as terrorist attacks



Vaccinated Are Hospitalised for Non-Covid Reasons at FIVE Times the Rate of the Unvaccinated, U.K. Govt Data Show

Climate Change? Don’t Panic! The Merchants of Dismay are at it again but Reason shall prevail

Interesting news from the Twitterverse

Growing our new civilisation: Awakened Pages spearheads the rebirth of community

The COVID Jab Killing More People Than It Saves? Seems so

Arm yourself with knowledge that puts you at cause over your own health: the truth about statins

The Turds of War 3: demented high priests of mayhem unmasked (some of them anyway)

The Turds of War 2: there’s no such thing as an environmentally friendly war machine

The turds of war: for some mysterious reason governments spare the obvious targets

Here’s a wild idea: let’s stop cooperating with criminals who kill us for profit

And the fraud goes on . . . . and on. . . and on

The end of the illegal shadow-banning algorithms on Twitter? Perhaps the globalist stooges at Facebook could kindly knock it off as well

Honest politicians: are globalists killing endangered species?

Here’s another wild idea: think for yourself. Go on, be naughty

Stronger #Together: another fightback update from Alan Miller

Can we trust the official stats driving the psyop narrative? Er . . . nope!

Lies that kill and governments that empower the killers

What Is The Jab Fatality Rate?

Just days away from death

Unite and win! An important message from #Together

Gift of the Gab, the birth of the People’s Reset amid the death throes of empire

The COVID Vaccine Narrative Has Taken On So Much Water, The Powers That Be Have Stopped Bailing

Fat Britain and how to slim it down a bit

China: a government gone insane is a poor role model – unless you are trying to crush your citizens

The allergy pandemic – are we poisoning our kids and, if so, with what?

Who are the parasites infesting the human community?

They’re at it again! WHO’s waging war on humanity

Politicians: don’t vote for them, it only encourages them

There is a war on for your planet: how to win it

We need to grow up – organically, preferably

Canada, UK, Israel: the truth forces is way through the force screens of government censorship

The truth is coming out

UK TV pundit predicts civil unrest

Man the solver and the Benign Uprising: energy “crisis” sorted

The Cork in the Volcano

Look away some more, they’re only trying to kill you

Look away! Nothing to see here folks, nothing to see . . .

NWO – what the barmy cult is up to and how to deal with it

Heroes of the Evolution: Steve Pollard and Lou Collins

French Lawyer Arrested by Anti-Terrorism Police Speaks Out

Sitting in the Hell of Poetry Heaven

How to get your Country out of Trouble

Oh dear God!

Fibs, fake stats, false reports and freaking great whoppers of the globalist lie factory exposed

What can anybody do? Well, loads actually

Down with that sort of thing . . .

Confronting evil: the mass poisoning event and genocide

Hard-hitting home truths from Larken Rose – be inspired!


The suffocating stink of corruption pervades the halls of governance and commerce

Vaccine Check List

Pay attention to this doctor: your health and longevity may benefit

People’s Grand Jury update

Subversion and skullduggery afoot, criminal investigation needed

Subversion and skullduggery afoot, criminal investigation needed

There’s a new game afoot. Let’s play

Truth hits the mainstream as rats desert sinking Ship of Lies

War on Humanity – UK government admits rising death toll but hopes nobody will notice

Mass Poisoning Event update

DuckDuck Went

Ha Ha!

Here’s a wild idea – let’s stop poisoning our kids!

Oh what a lovely shambles! The art of driving nations insane

Here is a wild idea – let’s stop poisoning our kids!

Globalists being driven mad by unyielding public opinion?

The swamp creature in its death throes

Staring evil in the face - a closer look at the WEF and Klaus Schwab

Something CAN be done about Globalism

To whom it may concern . . .

It’s now time to Arrest the Guilty Doctors who gave the Jabs

The creature in its death throes

Withholding life-saving remedies. Who has blood on their hands?

Naked hypocrisy, manufactured hysteria and puppets at war

I think I’m in that new war I’ve seen advertised. And on the home front while no-one was looking . . . .

This means war . . .

The People versus the Globalists: defeating the enemy of humanity begins with understanding his game

Mis-informed consent – deadly deceit was act of war

Great propaganda tricks of today: the “worthy and unworthy victims” caper

Nuremberg 2.0 Grand Jury hearings update: days Five and Six

We are being played yet again. Is it too much to ask that we do not fall for it just this once?

It’s time to detox the body politic and make governance well

Oh what a timely war! Lest we forget the fatalities on the Home Front . . .

The vaxadoodle bug timebomb – casualties soar in the war on humanity

Public fallout from the great Covid con

Ukraine: amid the crash of bombs abroad the quiet creeping slaughter on the home front continues

Coming soon